First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Date of Birth
Social Security Number or Employer Identification Number
What is your federal tax classification? Please select one option.
Individual/sole proprietor or single-member LLC
C Corporation
S Corporation
Limited liability company*
Are you authorized to work in the US without a sponsor visa?
Under penalties of perjury, I certify that: The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me); and I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding; and I am a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person (defined below); and The FATCA code(s) entered on this form (if any) indicating that I am exempt from FATCA reporting is correct.
I certify.
Please enter most current employment first. Include all part-time jobs, periods of unemployment, and military service.
Enter employment history below. See example:
00/00/0000 to 00/00/0000 Name of Employer, City and State Job Title
If yes, how many years have you had your CDL?
What's your highest level of education?
Did you graduate?
Race and Ethnicity
I choose not to self-identify at this time
Hispanic or Latino
White (Not Hispanic or Latino)
Black or African American (Not Hispanic or Latino)
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (Not Hispanic or Latino)
Asian (Not Hispanic or Latino)
American Indian or Alaska Native (Not Hispanic or Latino)
Two or More Races (Not Hispanic or Latino)
I choose not to self-identify at this time.
I prefer the pronoun: Female
I prefer the pronoun: Male
Driver License Number
Driver License State
Driver License Expiration Date
Do you have an F Endorsement?
Have you been ticketed for moving violations within the last three years? If no, please leave blank. If yes, please describe the infractions, below.
License Plate Number
State of Vehicle Registration
Have you been convicted for DWI/DUI of alcohol or drugs, or had your license suspended for moving violations, hit and run, reckless or negligent operation of vehicle, or driving while under suspension or revocation?
COVID-19: I agree not to drive for Lyons Logistics L.L.C. if I have tested positive for COVID-19 or have symptoms of COVID-19.
I agree
I will advise Lyons Logistics L.L.C. of any change in information provided on this form including, but not limited to, involvement in a car accident in which I am cited, any citations for moving violations, non-renewal of license, or termination of license.
I agree
First and Last Name
First Name
Last Name
Today's Date
Please confirm you read and understand the statement below:
I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in my release. This application also serves as an agreement between Lyons Logistics L.L.C. and the applicant. Your typed name above will serve as your signature to this agreement.
I agree